Skudd's Grumps

I'm finding myself out to be just a Grumpy old man. I get so annoyed by everyone and everything these days, and I just want to call them out.

I just spent 20 minutes to carefully lay out the sticker on my Yeti tumbler, making sure it would be centered over the embossed brand, and evenly spaced between the top of the embossment and the top of the lid. After I got the one side of the sticker put down and stuck in place, I pulled all the painter's tape away to reveal that it was NOT centered above the embossment, and that it was too far to the left.

Yay, Grump Map has been fixed. It only took updating everything for PHP 8.x.

Tall person problems: When T-shirts shrink over time, they shrink vertically, which causes them to expose my abdomen at varying degrees.

I had a hair get in my mouth somehow and now it's stuck to the roof of my mouth.

There's an issue with the dates and times on the new server that is breaking GrumpLog. I'm trying to fix it on my dev server, but my dev server is running a newer version of PHP that this site is not compatible with. UGH. Time for a rewrite? Probably.

Stupid twitching/cramping!

Fire ants.


Why doesn't this microphone work with Windows?

Forgot to refresh the databases before the server move and had to take everything down for a while. It's back now, obviously.

Required learning that forces you to watch videos instead of reading text.

I slept so poorly last night, I can't seem to function or understand things today.

How is it the end of quarter already?!


I get it, overdubbing a video to translate from German to English, but do they really need to overdub the English with new English voices?

I forgot that Azithromycin caused me sleep disruption.

The water is off for repairs.

For some reason, my right hand has started to be one key column too far to the right on any keyboard I use.

I keep hitting ctrl+4 instead of ctrl+r.

Why is the tip of my left index finger peeling?

I feel an aphasia flare coming.

I'm still voiceless today. The day started with a bit more voice than I have had, but even after conserving it and attempting to speak at church, just whispers came out.

The veneer or whatever it is on my desk to make it look like real wood is peeling again. I had another desk just like this and it did the same, so we bought another one. Within 3 months of having it, it started to peel. I just noticed that it's bubbling up in the middle of the "board" now too. What overpriced cheap garbage this is.


Why do I always get important phone calls during meetings?


I just aspirated some fresh ground black pepper.

The water is off for the water main repairs across the street.

Spotify DJ just pronounced "Live" as the present tense of existing rather than in the form of describing an event.