Raidek's Grumps

"Grump" does not properly express the amount of rage I have right now.

Day 5 of attempting to get password reset

utility repo *facepalm*

"Hey this server's been here for like.... YEARS.... we probably don't need it anymore, right? I'll just unplug it and not tell anyone...."

11am meetings blocking my early-lunch plans >:(

IBM Time: A unit of measurement significantly larger than normal time for inexplicable reasons.

I can't retract my self-empathy vote

Wednesday morning feeling like Monday morning

When you receive a tracking number, but upon lookup there's no record of it.

Arguing with someone when you're both actually agreeing.

The car garage is full and what I need is in the furthest back corner.

Waking up to the world already running at full speed and you've barely got an eye open.

rapid on again/off again headaches

I 45

cold calls to my desk phone

Audacity's interface is obnoxious

"I need to reset my password to access my email.... I need to access my email to reset my password" in 2016.