DolphinEcho83's Grumps

Stray cats visit during the night and set my doorbell alert off all night.

When I finally figure out how to login and use this social media stuff...

I had to wake up

Having kids "doing school work" in the same room that I've got my work space in. Of course this comes with a lot of simultaneous singing and fighting. I'm pretty sure they are reenacting the Jets vs. the Sharks.

Stuck in a home with 3 other people

Coronavirus ruining my plans

Thankful that college was not destroyed by the tornado and yet secretly wishing it was.

Dealing with an 18 year old who wants to pay thousands of dollars more for another college while trying to explain how that's stupid and yet they don't care.

Just knowing there will be snow this year.

Having to show up to work regularly to receive pocket change as a "paycheck".

I should still be in bed.

There's no lasagna in the office

Can't get a good nap in, someone is always needing something here at work.

I want my heater on because it's cold, but then my heater gets too hot so I turn it off and I'm cold again.

I said "I quit" and still get invited to meetings I don't want to be involved in.