
We all have it from time to time. Our friends get tired of reading about it on the various social media platforms, as it is commonly considered a poison to the happy atmosphere of those networks. GrumpLog is different: we encourage you to share your grumpiness

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Grump Map

This shows how Grumpy everyone has been over the last 24 hours.

Username 3AM 2AM 1AM 12AM 11PM 10PM 9PM 8PM 7PM 6PM 5PM 4PM 3PM 2PM 1PM 12PM 11AM 10AM 9AM 8AM 7AM 6AM 5AM 4AM 3AM
Skudd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Latest Grumps

The following are GrumpLogs that users have chosen to be public. The GrumpMap includes all GrumpLogs, though, including those which are not marked public.

Why did I think it was okay to carry 4 6.5 foot steel fence posts instead of getting a shopping cart for them?

There's something in my boot that's rubbing a blister on my foot, but it's too much work to take it off and check. It'll just have to wait until I get home.

It's been so long since I've been to the office that my coffee creamer has expired.

My badge pulley thing broke this morning as I was entering the office.

I hear a squeaking bearing and I'm not sure what it is.

Still have a bit of the mosquito bite that's itchy like crazy, and it's been 6 days since it happened.

Middle ear myoclonus.

This dang mosquito bite from 2 days ago is still angry and itchy.

Texas coast mosquitoes are no joke. I got bit by two of them last night at the mother-in-law's, and they're still inflamed and itchy today. Those things were big enough that they needed to be saddled and tamed to ride around the area, and the one wasn't even on me for more than a second but still managed to vampire me.

Why is luefufu's Grump Map redder than mine?

I can't be awake right now. Monster didn't help, coffee isn't doing anything other than making my mouth happy.

Why do my legs feel like I ran a marathon last night?

Our microwave that we had for several years failed a few weeks ago. We replaced it with the same model, but that one just failed.

"Pray me home."

I am suddenly craving cheap ramen noodles, not the cup-o-noodles variety though.

I clearly need to drink this cup of coffee. I just attempted to set the cup on my trackpad thinking it was my coaster.

Why the <CENSORED> does the calculator keep opening new windows?!

I had my headset running on batteries today for some reason and failed to realize the battery level was dropping too low to keep operating.

“The G.O.A.T.”

I need to cough to break up this junk in my throat but my ribs are so incredibly sore and it hurts to do anything more than breathe.

I am so tired of being sick.

I just sneezed so hard that I bit my tongue.

I have 2 spots in my beard, right below my mouth, that the hairs have decided "nope" on the whole bit of coming out of my skin, making a U-turn and going back inside.

I have started to learn that I really dislike the feeling of cables laying on my leg, like from my keyboard or mouse.

Our microwave bit the dust the other day. The soonest we could get a replacement (keeping with the same brand/model) is tomorrow. It's been painful without one.