The sound the remote makes when you press the buttons on it
"boom boom"
"Must be nice."
"It's been a minute."
"work the list"
I can't type 'Florida' without first typing 'Floriday'
"Shop the Fit!"
I ordered green beans at lunch and they gave me baked beans.
eligible # ow-ji-bow
aesthetic # a-stet-ic
All the "NOBODY:" memes everywhere
The way Graham Hancock speaks.
afternoon --> aff-da-doon
"Good friends, good times"
the word 'gentle'
"Prayers to the families."
You don't "hangout". You "hang out".
"Pray me home."
Jacob --> jay-cup
Tepid black coffee
"The social Security number you entered cannot be entered."
The way people ignore the H when they pronounce "aesthetic" and "anesthesia"
I came here to Grump but the SSL certificate was expired. Now that it's fixed, I don't remember what I was going to Grump about!
When someone says, "I'm OCD." You are obsessive compulsive disorder?
hierarchy # high-arky
Heart hands.
vulnerable --> vunner-bo
Having the plague
"Get your ______ on."