Twitching is pretty bad this morning. Also getting cramps in the middle of my left calf muscle.
I have some Katy Perry song stuck in my head.
A legal firm sent me an email about an upcoming webinar. They used Comic Sans in the email.
I am still peeling from the sunburn.
Who needs an alarm clock when you have a grackle screeching on your day off?
Day 3 of sunburn peeling.
My right ear is plugged up. I can't hear a thing out of it.
My hip hurts so much that it was interrupting my sleep last night.
My mouse keeps jumping around when I'm using it.
If you are at a thing where lots of other people are there to listen, don’t sit there complaining loudly about how big of a waste of time it is.
I think they forgot about me.
I’m so hungry that subway ad looked sooooo good.
I can't remember how to do things.
Finding out the hard way that the French press is not designed for boiling the water as well.
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Even though I made a big deal about bringing coffee on this camping trip, and we got a new French press just for it, I totally forgot to get the coffee before we left. I am not going back for it now, but we will go find some in a store nearby tomorrow.
The battery is bulging on my magic trackpad.
My shoulder REALLY HURTS.
I hate everything.
While single and quarter ply products may appear to be cheaper, it requires a lot more of them to get the job done, so the expense is probably about the same.
The Chick-Fil-A in the tunnel doesn't have Chick-Fil-A style ice.
I didn't think to bring breakfast. Now I'm hungry.
If I put the number 4 in a field, I expect it to be a 4, not an 8.
Shopping for new electricity plans. I guess it's good that we have options, but still. Bleh.
My hands smell like some sort of soap, but it's not a scent we have in this house.
My brain is so absolutely fried from being outside nearly all morning.
I would have slept in much later than this, but I needed to pee and the lawn guy is working next door.
My hand smells like propane.