Skudd's Grumps

Sinus infections.

Up is that way, right? -->

I am getting sick.

All my windows are on the right side monitor this morning. Nothing on the left.

Perforated, "Tear Here" things never tear where they're supposed to.

This batch of Keurig Starbucks coffee is incredibly burnt tasting.

I had intended to take a shower during the noon hour, but instead had to listen to a call that was just two people arguing.

I just taught the garage garbage can lid how to fly.

I have lost my tweezers somewhere on my desk.

It doesn't matter how many times or how long I wash my hands. I can't get this smell of PB Blaster off of them.

The spelling of the word "likelihood".

Jr just tried to go outside by himself.

Nerve pain continues this morning. But now it's going all the way up my left arm and down my right arm.

Nerve pain.

I can't handle Facebook today. If you need to talk to me, you know how to reach me through other means.

I just saw the microphone on my headset out of the corner of my eye and thought that someone had snuck up next to me.

I have a massive headache.

Proper headsets should be standard issue and mandatory for everyone who is ever on a WebEx call.

I just went to the kitchen with the intention of grabbing a cookie, but I forgot.

Getting another migraine and feeling cross-eyed.

The person ahead of me in the CFA drive through is opening every item they got and is putting it back on the service window ledge.

I just want to be able to get up from my desk and get some food!

If I get bugged ONE MORE TIME for work nonsense tonight, my phone is going to learn how to fly really quickly.

I was doing really well at the start of the day and got a few things banged out in the first hour. But as the morning has droned on, my cognitive abilities are fading quickly, despite how much caffeine I'm maintaining.

Both the physical effects of the migraine and the side effects of the Excedrin forbade me from sleeping well last night.


Electricity company didn't call me to let me know that my autopay wasn't set up and that I was two months delinquent. Caught it before they disconnected the power at least.

Email footer said "One click unsubscribe". I had to click a button on the page that it loaded, making it 2 clicks.

I'm not awake enough to function yet, despite having 145mg of caffeine, a crapload of B2, B3, and B6.

I put too much awake in my morning.