I have a massive canker sore on my lower jawline on the left side towards the front. I'm positive it's stress caused.
Power outage.
I'm done being Mr. Nice Guy.
I hate absolutely everything.
I am so tired of all the pertinent details for things being in a video blog. I don't have time to watch a video and try to understand heavy accents or high level management jargon. Just put the words on a written blog and let me read it.
Tribal knowledge.
I just got choked up over the season 5 finale for Silicon Valley.
I am reminded why I don't take time off.
This day brought to you by tactile allodynia.
DoorDash and/or Torchy's messed up my order.
Is it 5:00 yet?
Microsoft acquired Wunderlist and is killing it on May 6th.
I have absolutely ZERO desire to do anything work related today.
I have no idea where the last week has gone. I don't even know what day it actually is.
Red Robin doesn't have the A1 Peppercorn burger anymore.
I am so incredibly tired.
I have worked from home long enough to see 2 password change period notices.
Nobody reads anything.
I slept through my alarm.
While I appreciate that our neighborhood is patrolled by the city police, it's a bit unnerving to go for a bike ride and be followed the whole time by a patrolling officer.
We had cereal for dinner. I dished mine and Jr's up and went to pour the milk on it. Something was wrong. I thought the milk had gone bad. Then I smelled it. It was coffee creamer. We ate it anyhow, and now Jr is bouncing off the walls.
Shellfish contamination in my beef with broccoli.
Why is healing itchy?
A friggin' bug just flew into my eye.
I. Can't. Do. This.
I feel like I have been neglecting my duty as a Grumper.
Really tired and grumpy.
I think I had too much caffeine. I have the weirdest headache right now.
Because Comcast sucks so bad, I have to tether through my work phone to get any work done.