I got busy and forgot to eat my lunch.
Stand back! I'm trying to implement Facebook authentication in this beast!
Aggressive drivers.
I overslept and even though I am at the office, I still feel like I'm running incredibly late.
lueyfufu found a bug in beta.grumplog.com
I feel like I have a spike shoved into my head.
I don't know why, but I am using a lot of words today that I typically don't. Thinks like "connotation", "privy", and so on.
Trying to remember all the system names and whatnot after being off for 3 weeks.
I am so incredibly annoyed by all the important notices and updates being shared as a video. There's a significant benefit to it being text, especially for people like me who read quickly and have 50 bajillion things to get done all the time.
The first workday of the new year. Such email. Very stress. Much overwhelm.
The garbage truck rolled through the neighborhood around 6am today.
Jr can't sleep in his own bed. When he sleeps in our bed, he somehow finds it necessary to seat at my face or lay on top of my legs.
Check out the new version of GrumpLog at http://beta.grumplog.com/
Comcast doesn't understand that there's a pattern to the packet dropping. It happens at peak usage hours during holiday season (like when kids are out of school and parents are off work). It gets better around meal times, and again around bed time.
I just tried to rewrite some code to remove database load, but I just broke everything in the process. It's fixed now, but I am still quite frustrated because I can't get anything done ever without being interrupted repeatedly.
We're back. Finally.
I had to implement anti-spam techniques for GrumpLog.
I am Grumping too much for Christmas Eve. And it hasn't even been family-related.
What happened to people silencing their phones in the doctor's office?
WebEx needs to support multiple people sharing at a time.
The company across the hall has poinsettias in their office, right by the front door. I have been here for about an hour and I am starting to develop anaphylactic symptoms.
Sudden massive headache.
I need to eat.
I just realized that I failed to get all the garbage out of the house last night, contrary to what my understanding was when I rolled the trash can to the curb this morning.
My shoulders really hurt.
Apprehension for the day being like the last 15.
Why is everyone driving like a completely ignorant jerk this week?
I think I'm about to have a nose bleed.
The nurse calling people back is prefixing each name with "for", such as "For John Doe?"
I am getting really tired of this transient aphasia stuff. (It just took me several tries to spell those last two words)