Iron & Wine - The Trapeze Swinger: Too dang repetitive for a 9.5 minute song.
I forgot to wear green today.
Today might as well be Monday.
I really should have packed some Excedrin.
River Valley Metro really needs better instructions to get from KMDW baggage claim to the bus pickup.
Ugh, typoes. I need to implement an edit feature.
When they say that all that's left are middle seats, don't just stand there in the aisle: grab a seat and sir in it. We've got an arrival time to meet.
Estimated time in traffic 27 minutes. Stay on this route for 25 minutes.
All my computers are running really slow this morning. I guess reboots are in order.
"Cheese in the shell? This is gonna be bigger than duckface."
Meteorological induced arthritic response.
I should be sleeping right now, but instead I'm Grumplogging.
Rewriting code to make it more multiple-developer-friendly is not fun. Also, implementing a custom database migration system is tedious.
The blower motor in my car isn't working all of a sudden.
Google Analytics. Just because. Use an adblocker thinger if you don't like it.
Grumplogs can be deleted now.
Waze changed the UI so much that I have to re-learn how to use it. When you change the UI on something that is supposed to be quick, corner-of-the-eye usage, you need to maintain position on things like "report traffic issues".
Someone rearranged the coffee creamers in the break room. This caused me to put hazelnut creamer in my coffee instead of plain creamer. Gross.
Just made the wrong turn on the wrong street.
Logins are fixed now. \o/
I'm about to break logins for a bit. Hang in there.
Why would the MoveOrCopyRuleAction's "Folder" property be "Nothing" in the case of an olRuleActioNCopyToFolder action?
Bleh, the way I did the authentication system doesn't allow you to stay logged in from multiple devices at the same time. I'll have to fix that. Hooray for more complexity!
Facebook is nagging me to add a profile picture to the GrumpLog page. Seriously, Facebook. I keep saying "Skip" because I don't have one yet. If anyone is good with graphics though and wants to create one, an SVG of a cartoon-ish log, cut end facing view, grumpy eyes and eyebrows would be perfect.
This chocolate cake slice is huge. I'm eating it anyhow.
Authentication should be fixed. It's cookie-based now and the cookies don't expire for a year.
Early morning is early.