Plural form of “chimney”.
I updated my system, but zfs-dkms isn't available for the current kernel versions.
People keep using the bathroom here at the allergy clinic and they are very clearly not flushing.
Dealing with sudden aphasia again.
Stupid dizziness.
When old plastic turns sticky.
Why is pyenv taking so long to install this version?
Kid Rock is playing on the Spotify DJ. Great. Now it's going to think I like Kid Rock.
How many notifications do I need for a calendar item on my phone? I just got 5 for the same thing.
I woke up in the middle of the night with my left leg doing the cramping/spasticity thing.
My brain is mush right now.
These chow mein noodles have either been cut or broken. It's impossible to twirl them on the fork.
I wanted to sleep more this morning, but my alarm pulled me out of bed.
I really want another cup of coffee, but there's no way I'll fully consume it before noon, and I have proven multiple times that if I have caffeine after noon I sleep like garbage at night.
Can markdown syntax PLEASE be standardized and implemented everywhere? Hm, I should implement it here...
My toe is swollen and bruised towards the tip, opposite side from where the break is/was. I have been feeling some sharp and intense pains there the last few days, leaving me to wonder if it’s broken out there as well.
The looming threat of the internet dropping. It dropped for several hours during the day yesterday and again late in the day. Frontier said 24 hours to resolution. We're still in that 24 hour period.
I'm incredibly tired and Grumpy.
Seriously, I am getting so <CENSORED> tired of all the bad UX design in the world. I'm not perfect, but when large companies have such poorly designed UIs it makes me wonder where they are actually spending their money. Are they just hiring fresh-out-of-college software engineering graduates? If they'd hire me, I'd be able run circles around their "experts".
All this AI nonsense in the world.
Why is it so much more comfortable when I put my arms up above my head?
I made the mistake of reposting a couple of things about Corn Sweat. Now I keep getting other things about it.
I can never spell "rhythm" properly.
I keep trying to move normally, forgetting that my toe is broken. The pain quickly reminds me.
I broke my toe again.
Smashing Pumpkins was in a Spotify "Indie bands" group that the DJ X put in my mix.
Why does Spotify think that I am into R&B, Modern Pop, Dance, and Tejano music?
Why does my heartrate drop when I get so angry?
Go go Gadget headache!