Skudd's Grumps

A Mormon just reached out to me on Facebook.

Chalk dust gives me headaches.

People keep sending emails containing screenshots of things they want action taken against. Instead of being able to copy/paste the pertinent IDs or whatever, I have to manually type each one - typically a string of 12 digits - into another window.

First-of-the-year e-mail wasn't bad, but now I'm trying to get caught up on Slack, as are the 50 bajillion other people who use Slack, and it's going SOOOO SLOW.

The serpentine belt on my car just slipped off the pulleys for the second time in 2 weeks.

I'm spoiled by the warm climate here, so much that a 50 degree garage is cold.

I just crashed my plane for the third time tonight.

Cognitive failures.

Everything hurts.

Everything is stressing me out right now.

I just had an intense feeling like a snake going up my sleeve.

My video card sucks. If you want to donate to the better-video-card-for-skudd fund, click here. :)

Why do "Big and Tall" shops only cater to the "Big"?

Since last Wednesday, my need for antacids has dramatically increased.


I shall now attempt the acct of sleeping through the day.

(It was 22 hours.)

I am too old for all nighters.

It's going to be at least a 21 hour workday.

Approaching a 17th hour of working.

Every time I call somewhere that has a voice menu system, the recording says something to the effect of, "Please listen to all the available options as our menu has changed". EVERY TIME. Now, I'm seeing similar things for privacy notices on sites I've never previously visited.


After I got in the line and everyone else formed another line and wouldn't let me into it, the dude called again for people with simple checkout and order pick ups to come to him. I growled loudly and stormed out. Now I'm going to cancel my order and place it elsewhere.

Dude at O'reilly just bit my head off because I was at the counter marked "Order Pick Up" instead of standing in the long line for people wanting to talk to someone.

I apparently was snoring pretty hard last night. My nose and sinuses are irritated by it still this morning.

All these places offering apps that do things third-party for others, such as FedEx tracking. Why would I want an app just for that? It seems like a privacy attack vector.

Even though I washed my hands multiple times and used a chunk of stainless steel as a bar of soap, my hands still smell like onions.

When phone menu system recordings say "our menu options have changed". Instead of saying that, say something like "please listen carefully to the options and make your selection".

FS19 AutoDrive is incredibly broken. I have a network established between a field, my farm, and two different sell points. It keeps saying it can't find a route, and I can't find anything that's broken anywhere.