Skudd's Grumps

GTA:V just crashed on the sub mission.


The proliferation of people saying "AI" for "Action Item".

I get so tired of all the memes that say things like "Blah blah blah, change my mind", especially when they're clearly Photoshop'ed to make it look like what the original picture actually was.

I am incredibly and irrationally grumpy right now.

One of the spots on my arm where I had an ingrown hair followed by an abscess for several months is ingrown again.

The sheet feed scanner on our all-in-one is so slow and unreliable.

Firefox on my work computer complains about the SSL cert being invalid.

I keep telling Spotify to not include certain songs in a "Radio" playlist, but they keep adding back in.

Everyone and everything is making me angry today.

Comcast can't maintain a stable network. Ever. I was just trying to get some work things done and the cable modem just started flapping (flashing the lights off and back on randomly). I can't even get the Xfinity portal to load because things are inconsistently loading right now.

Networking told me "no" when I asked if they could not hoover the routes for local subnets on the new VPN.

Spotify isn't being very random anymore.

I went to bed last night with a horrible migraine, so bad that I couldn't even take my normal medicine. I slept very lightly as a result. I woke up early this morning still with a migraine. This is going to be a fun day.

I want to play World of Warcraft, but I don't want to pay for it.

It's been so long since I've actually written any code that I can't remember how things are supposed to work.

Smashburger has really screwed up their website. It has some comment about how you can order tots, but they're not on the menu. The credit card fields attempt to auto-format things, but they don't pass their own validation. And you can't modify order details without clearing the cart and starting over. Utter garbage for a user experience.

I want to go back to bed.

I poured way too much peppermint oil in my cup of coffee. Now I have a giant cup of coffee in an attempt to dilute it.

Holy crap, something just popped in my left 5th metatarsal and it hurts like crazy.

I have been fighting to stay awake almost all day. Now I have that feeling like I stayed up all night and have remained awake since.

I have had to use the plunger more in the last 12 months than I have in the last 12 years.

3 of my five prescriptions are being stalled because they require "prior authorization". One of them is one I need to function. I haven't had it since December.

Somewhere between the car and the house I got a double papercut on my finger. I didn't even handle any paper.

"Oh, my lanta."

I can't find my calipers.

The SSL certificate is broken, I know. I'm trying to brain to fix it.

I just had a sudden, overwhelming sensation of the aroma of grilled hotdogs.

lueyfufu suggested that Trump should become a GrumpLog user.

Brain fail.