lueyfufu's Grumps

The girl who did the VO for the ads on this radio station pronounces the short e sound as a short a instead. "Our samwiches are the BAST."

"in my tumm"

sucking at passwords

My banana fell on the floor this morning. I tried to scrape off the floor-y bits, but I'm sure there were some still in there that ended up in my cereal.

I also forgot to buy a turkey.

I forgot to take the turkey out of the freezer.


When people pronounce the "ow" sound like "ahh", such as pronouncing the word out as ott.

The way the song "Freeze Frame" always turns into the Duck Tales theme song in my head.

Sardine spines look like worms.

Jhaxyen - can nobody spell anymore, or are people just trying to get more of the weird letters into circulation?

Another wave of "OH 2020 IS SO HORRIBLE" since Sean Connery died.

"c O u L d 2 0 2 0 g E t a N y w O r S e ??"

deteriorate # dee-tear-ee-ate

"Trunk or treat" - what are the choices here, give me a treat or get in your trunk?


People need to learn from this pronunciation guide.

"with all the fixings"


Not sure if shirt is too tight or just COVID.

How difficult it is to say "rural" without it coming out like "rool" or "roo-wull"

I just painstakingly and carefully defrosted a big, beautiful salmon filet to find that it smells rotten. wtf

The way Rami Malek talks

"Love you more everyday"

"I mean..." is not a complete sentence.

"This outfit is giving me total mom goals."

I'm getting kinda tired of the 2020 fatalism.

All these dam Marvel and DC movies have made me completely lose all interest in any superhero stories for the rest of my life.

Yet another online training narrated by someone with an annoying speech habit. And no closed captioning available.

"...and I'm here to tell you..."