Skudd's Grumps

I forgot my lunch AND breakfast today. :(

People on conference calls need to learn to not talk over each other.

I can't prepare for meetings and have to wing it every time. Fortunately it generally goes well, but I still feel like I could do better if I have more time.


Why does it take 10 days to opt out of something?


I did a system update today and now KSP won't load. I don't want to reboot though!

My spellchecker is flagging "explanation" as improperly spelled.

Random checks from the insurance company with no explanation of what they're for. Also, the sheet they're printed on says "Page 1 of 4", except there's only the one sheet in the envelope.

This meeting was stressing me out so much that I decided to disassemble the ball bearing on my fidget spinner. Now I can't get it back together since my hands don't work well for things that small.

I've been so busy that I'm just now able to eat my brisket taco. And it's cold.

My keyboard hasn't been working properly this morning. Also, since the weekend, it has had a really gummy feeling to most of the keys.

Traffic jam. Major accident. Freeway closed.

PHP ActiveRecord isn't working properly today.

I have been so busy today that I haven't been able to Grump effectively.

Still no Dr Pepper in the breakroom. What is this? California?

I forgot to bring lunch or breakfast today.

There was no Dr Pepper in the break room.

I just spent the last 15 minutes building a spreadsheet from a convoluted data source. And of course, when I tried to move a chart from a data sheet to its own sheet, Excel crashed. It asked me if I wanted to recover my work, and of course I said yes. When it loaded up though, none of the documents I had open were opened, including the one I had yet to save.


Incredibly dry air.

The Mandalay Bay conference center needs more toilets in the men's rooms.


My wifi isn't strong enough to use in the garage.

Trying to use Mac hotkeys on a not-Mac computer.

I got gasoline on my hand this morning and I haven't had time to go wash it off.

Password change day.

I have removed the Grumpy/Happy support for now.

I added the Grumpy/Happy support, but I don't like it.

Whatever this sinus thing is that I have causes me to smell things that aren't actually there. Most typical smell is cigarette smoke, but now I'm also smelling melting plastic.