lueyfufu's Grumps

That moment when you realize too late that the toilet seat was wet.

My feet in these shoes look like the ugly stepsisters trying on Cinderella's slipper.

"guac" and "parm"

Clothes shopping.

Nordstrom's prices.

"Let's Dance" by Chris Montez

Pecan pie.

The Delta guy keeps leaving his laptop open, unlocked, and unattended in the hallway while he's working in the switch closet.

"Your new notifications are now sorted to help you see what's most important to you."

"Trunk or treat" doesn't make any sense.

Tim is irrationally grumpy today.

banana strings

Bad spreadsheets that aren't print-friendly.

It was overcast and rainy here during the eclipse.

My left ear has gone to $#!+ again and all music sounds like crap. And everywhere I go feels ten times as loud as normal and I can't make out what people are saying.

"It's a process."

When someone refers to a photo as "a pix"

The painful way it becomes obvious whenever someone leaves that we badly need a procedure manual.

the powder at the bottom of the cereal box

My office smells like a wet diaper.

power surges

It's getting continually hotter in here. I think the heat is on.

People who pronounce 'console' as 'council'.

Six open spots in the athletic lot while the Miller lot is overflowing, and three of the illegal vehicles in Miller belong to coaches. ((><))



These coffee stirrers smell like body odor.

Thank you, hackers and identity thieves, for forcing the shutdown of the FAFSA IRS data retrieval tool until October. Now everyone who needs to complete verification has to order paper tax transcripts and wait at least two weeks for them.

People who don't pay attention to the recipients section of an e-mail message and forward me things I was already included on. Also people who don't "Reply All" when they should.