"That looks just like my [cat name]!"
When I try to highlight a single field and it highlights the whole freaking page instead.
It's been a long week today.
Today is one of the rare days when it's 85 degrees in the office and I'm not dressed for it.
When people say "as to"
Actually, not everyone wants to be surrounded by people, thankyouverymuch.
Accidentally typing a Daze entry into GrumpLog
"make no mistake"
I just realized I didn't eat breakfast today.
I can manage multiple tasks. But I can't manage multiple crises.
When the bottom of your shoe squeaks down the side of your desk and sounds like flatulence...
"tator" tots
Mouseover pop-ups.
I was going through my closet two weekends ago and found a couple pairs of sandals I'd forgotten I had. They were a little old but seemed to still be in good condition. I wore one pair of them to work today, and by noon, the whole top of the sandal had come detached from the bottom. :-/
I lost a Bombas sock at the laundromat.
Declarations of how bad [fill in the blank] is these days.
A live wasp nest in the smoker
Those "Before you go..." popups when you click the back button on a webpage
A big spider rappelling from the ceiling in our bedroom this morning.
This iced espresso was 2/3 ice.
This radio guy keeps saying "Mercedes Binz"
"A she-shad"
If I have to call a place back several times over the course of a week (or longer) before someone finally answers to schedule an appointment, I'm 95% less likely to even bother trying.
"Instapot" and "Pintrest"
vulnerable # vul-na-bull
false # faults
estimate # est-a-mint