Skudd's Grumps

The keyboard on my Macbook is inserting 'aa' instead of 'a' as I type.

Jr has broken 3 pieces on his Buzz Lightyear toy: Both wing latches, and the left index finger.

Low tire pressure light was on in the van.

Ankylosing Spondylitis flares.

I thought Jr was banging on the walls earlier, but it was the contractors.

Something burned a little in the toaster this morning before I toasted my bagel. My bagel ended up tasting like it. I'm still tasting and smelling it.

Insomnia and the secondary effects of it.

I returned to sleep in the bed last night, as Emily's illness has greatly improved and I'm not worried about getting sick. I finally fell asleep at like 11:30, but after that I woke up every hour, with my body saying "IT'S TIME TO START THE DAY! WAKE UP LAZY BONES!" It took me 10 minutes or so to get back to sleep each time, and the frequency increased to every 30 minutes after about 4am. It was awful. I'm incredibly tired as a result and I don't know how I'll pull off a full work day.

I just spent 45 minutes swinging a 3lb sledge at a 2" masonry chisel.

Trying to understand code from the early 2000's.

Having to instruct people to log out and back in on here.

I have been too busy to Grump this week.

I can't do anything right today.

I am trying to watch "Gold Rush" on the AT&T "Watch TV" site, and it keeps buffering. I am paying for 275Mbps internet, but if I can't stream even 420p video, I have to be getting far less.

The thought of buying a new (to me) car. I know the brands that I am most confident in, but there are also some other makes/models that appeal to me in my price range. It's so hard to decide.

Food coma.

My Tuesday ran until 2am this morning.

Someone is parked in my assigned parking spot.

I am having a sudden allergic response.

Who in their right mind sends an invite at 10:37am for a mandatory meeting at 10:30am?!

Now my fretless bass is having electrical issues. The pickguard is broken, which is causing things in the jack to short out.

I have decided that the GRIB data formats are a heaping pile of outdated garbage.

There goes any hope of eating lunch today.

Spotify on my iPhone has only been playing the first 20 songs in the shuffle list recently instead of shuffling the whole playlist.

When 15 minute meetings turn into 90 minute meetings because people don't understand why it was supposed to be a 15 minute in the first place.

I only see the most picturesque clouds when I'm driving.

I can't use the bathroom without slack going crazy.

Why can't I seem to wake up?

I gave the lawn guy a check with the wrong last name on it. At least I caught it before he left, though.

I'm too tired to do anything but not tired enough to sleep.