Skudd's Grumps

I'm so tired that I can't understand simplistic instructions right now.

Nobody seems to be around at all.

I just got logged out of everything.

Lots of fake user registrations recently. I may have to purge all of them.

I had to use my horn in traffic twice this morning because people were being idiots and nearly caused an accident.

It took me 90 minutes to get to the office this morning. I'm going to have to start leaving much earlier, which means waking up earlier as well.

There are too many things going on at once for me to keep fully engaged in any one thing. For example, it took me 10 minutes just to write this Grump.

Traffic was extra special this morning.

I just opened a fortune cookie to find there is no fortune in it.


Required corporate training.

Every time someone shares new content in WebEx, it steals the focus from other windows.

People who use the exit ramps as passing lanes.

I just applied a "hide" operation to an entire excel spreadsheet by mistake, which resulted in the window disappearing from everywhere.

I can't get in touch with my doctor to get the MRI report, and the imaging center won't release it to the specialist I'm seeing.

I am not awake.

I have a glare on my glasses that looks like a hair.

The heater motor in my car is failing. It's behaving as if there's a dead spot in the armature.

I'm pretty certain our air conditioner is failing.

Everything on my desk was all pushed to one side this morning. My headset was on the floor. Cable ends were in odd places.

Whoever is responsible for purchasing toilet paper for this office clearly doesn't use it.

I just broke a shoelace.

Is it possible that all my Grumps are just because I am incredibly tired and need more sleep?

When people use cell formatting to indicate status on things in Excel worksheets. You can't filter on cell formats!

I can't wake up.


I was outside for maybe 20 minutes just now. Every article of clothing on me is soaked in sweat.

Spotify's "random" algorithm is pretty weak. I have about 570 songs in my "Liked Songs" list, but consistently, I am hearing the same 20 or so all the time.


I have an unappealing smell.