Skudd's Grumps

When people present a PowerPoint thing in edit mode.

I can't narrow down what is making me grumpy.

I want to actually do something, but everything hurts.

All TV is garbage.

I am Grumpy at everyone and everything.

Due to my insurance, I am unable to schedule an MRI until Tuesday.

I hurt as much as I did yesterday.

At the beginning of the day, I didn't hurt much if I stayed flat on my back. Now, nothing is keeping the pain under control.

Just learned that a co-worker died in a boating accident. He jumped in to save his daughter, who fell out of a tube being pulled behind a boat, but got overtaken by the rough water.

Jr was hogging so much of the bed that it pushed Emily to oçcupy my side and nearly push me out of the bed.

Headache from wearing old glasses earlier.

Jr wants to be all up in my space.

Google maps.

And now, I think I have a cruciate ligament issue.

Rural night driving on a busy road in deer territory.

My shoulder hurts, deep in the joint. I hope I did blow it out again somehow.

Pushy people at the waffle bar, keeping me from making my kid a waffle.

Political anecdotes and analogies in a work setting.

I don't have enough awake for this call.

No Red Bull in the break room.

I forgot my breakfast and lunch.

I can't Grump fast enough today. Too many things to Grump, not enough ability.

I keep getting light-headed.

Climate change denial.

I used to be able to get things done before 9am, because everyone waits until then to come to the office. That's changed and now I can only get things done over lunch hour.

cp on a Mac doesn't work the same as it does in Linux.

I left my notebook in my car. I don't want to go get it, but I need it.

Panda Express shorted me my spring rolls.

Someone from Italy logged into my account.

The rubber on my mouse is going sticky.