Skudd's Grumps

I am trying to clone a 40GB ZFS dataset using snapshots. I just mistakenly cancelled the zfs send | zfs recv when it was at 38GB.

If you use the PrivacyBadger browser extension, it will try to block the icon source, which is hosted from a third party provider. Just tell PrivacyBadger that it's fine and not to use cookies for that site.

Headaches are trying to ruin my day again.

My Grump profile confirms what I've been saying for years: Tuesday is the new Monday.

Whatever happened to Friday being an easy day? My Fridays have been booked solid, often with double and triple booked slots for at least the last year.

My Android wants to reload browser pages if I switch tabs or apps.

My right ear, which happens to be my good ear, is plugged up with earwax. I can't hear hardly anything though it, and my left ear is mostly useless due to tinnitus.

These headaches.

I don't feel like implementing that feature tonight.

The "Edit Grump" functionality is not implemented in


This day isn't over yet.

There was a staple on the rug by the back door. I was barefoot. My foot got pierced.

Bug fixed. What a hack.

Turns out the hash generated in the recentGrumps list is accurate, the one in viewGrumps is not. There is no difference between them.

Fixed a couple of GrumpBugs. One necessitated a minor layout change.


This taste in my mouth. The sinus drainage is causing it.

New GrumpLog layout available at


My CoreOS VM is missing.


My kidneys hurt.


Ugh. Sick.

I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick. I am not getting sick.

Dallas allergies. Dallergies.

Why must bass be so difficult? Not playing it, but tuning the audio bits for it.

Having very stressful dreams about work that wake me up and make it hard to naturally go back to sleep.
