lueyfufu's Grumps

Being instructed to instruct people to log out and back in on here.

being called "Willdo"


Sickness is ravaging our department again.

The naming scheme of "Friends" episodes.

The cup holder on my computer keeps opening because it's right where my leg keeps hitting the button.

"fam bam"

Sites that require a login but don't have an option to log out when you're done.


When people pronounce 'else' as 'elts'

People who say "less" when they should say "fewer".

The word 'stink'.

"This is goals."

Not being able to get Carnation breakfast bars anymore.

"Low prices everyday"

when people pronounce "can" as "ken"

After logging and scanning all of today's incoming mail, I realized the date stamper was set to "JULY 32 2019".

"Club Cling"

All the ice in the fridge down the hall is brown.



Tim isn't grumping quickly enough today and it's making him grumpy.

"Disco Inferno" is stuck in my head.

Spammer assaulting my eyes with "vacay" in my inbox every morning.



I always forget CTRL+BACKSPACE doesn't work in Notepad.

So far I've accomplished about 0.4 works today.

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